So, in the middle of all the darkness I have been through over the past years. Close to 8 years to be exact... I was also held up by some crazy force that kept telling me to fight! It told me to even if I locked it away, to not forget whom I was. Ever. So I did. I locked myself up but I didn't forget her. And finally she is starting to come out... humbly and careful but she is on her way out... And she is a force of LOVE.
I stumbled upon this 30 day challenge on Pinterest over the weekend and when I did my soul just smiled! It was exactly what I needed to do... (I added my own part to it too but still).
I encourage you to do the same, no matter where you are in your life because if you start to look at things in a different light (perhaps) things will start to change for the better. You know, it is the law of attraction - positivity attracts positivity.. love attracts love... happiness attracts happiness...
Sorry, I am babbling. Here is the 30 day challenge:
Name and write down three new things you are grateful for when you wake up.
Continue for 29 more days.
[waking up focusing on the positive can be a great start of your day as positivity feeds positivity]
My own addition: Write down one of your most significant prayer for the day.
[remembering your prayer will easier identify that they actually came true...]
Write down one meaningful thing that happened to you in the last 24 hours.
Continue for 28 more days.
[when you start you will find so many little things in life to be grateful about]
Reach out to someone you know and praise them.
Continue for 27 more days.
[you know what it feels like being told by someone how special you are to them, return the favor!]
Start doing cardio for at least 15 minutes a day.
Continue for 26 more days.
[exercise releases endorphins do I need to say more?!]
Start meditating for at least 5 minutes a day.
Continue for 25 more days.
[deep breathing keeps us relaxed, provides oxygen to the blood and helps clean out toxins]
DAY 30
You made it! We hope you will keep these habits going beyond the challenge!
I put the writing part of this challenge on different colored post-it notes and I post them on my wall in my bedroom. When I have completed the 30 day challenge I will buy a journal and put them all in there... It is visual and exciting and my wall is growing of positivity!
"I will listen to what God the Lord will say; He promises peace to His people, His saints...
...Love and Faithfulness meet together; Righteousness and Peace kiss each other. Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and Righteousness looks down from heaven."
-PSALM 85:8, 10-11
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