If you have been following my blog
throughout my struggle you might remember that last year I felt like I had met The
One. And, I must say that I still think he is The One however, it didn't work
out in our favor… At least not for right now. Don’t worry I don’t cry myself to
sleep every night thinking about him, nor do I sit and stare at my phone hoping
he will call or text me a simple “hello”. Those days have passed…
I don’t do that for a guy anymore.
Just looking back at these two
years I have had plenty of dating experiences.
The first short relationship I
ended up in was a 3 month long rebound. 100% rebound. Did I know it at the
time? Heck no! I thought he was the answer to all my prayers. The man that
could outweigh all the bad. He was amazing on so many levels in my eyes. Smart,
handsome, tall, had an understanding about the world outside of his town/religion/color/etc,
loved kids, the way he would hold me, and on and on. Like really – the Perfect Man!
So, what happened? Well… I couldn't handle a perfect man! I didn't understand
why he was so nice and helpful all the time. I didn't understand why he cooked
dinner all the time while he asked me to just sip some wine in the living room.
I didn't understand how I could be pleased without reciprocation. I didn't get
it… And it made me insecure! I laugh at it now but it was STRANGE to say the
least. Everything I ever wanted was right there in front of me but I wasn't
ready. I wasn't ready for ONE thing – to RECEIVE all of this goodness. So it didn't last.
After the perfect man I ended up
in an open long-distant relationship/friendship with a man I had met on a
business trip. He had been my emotional compass throughout my process of
leaving. He was the one checking in on me. We were dating but we were also both
dating other people. It may sound strange now, but at the time it felt like the
perfect scenario. Even if I was longing for the perfect man (a new perfect man
LOL) I had also realized that I wasn't really ready. I needed to see what was
out there. Learn to know myself...
The spring and summer of 2015 went
by with random dates and visits to Mr Long-distant Guy. It was a great summer.
My physical needs were met. I had a place to stay. I had food. I had an income.
And, I had sex. Emotionally I was disconnected. Emotionally I was frozen. I
didn't feel safe yet to let anyone in. At least not a guy, because who knows…
he might just be an abuser in disguise. So I shut a lot of guys out before they
even had the chance to see me again. It worked.

It only lasted 4 months. And it
was painful when it was no more. More painful when I realized he had another
girl friend just a few months later. But despite the pain, the spark he ignited
in my soul is still lit. I know what love feels like now, and that is a miracle
in itself.
After the painful breakup I was
determined to move on. I found someone else. It was online and before I opened
the app I asked the Universe to bring me a man I would love to hang out with. And
the Universe delivered. I met someone else. His smile was/is to die for! We
could speak for hours over the phone and he came from an abusive past so we
really had a lot of similarities. We lived 2 hours away from each other so we
only met on weekends mostly. After our first two months together however I
started to feel like something was missing, I just couldn't pin-point what it
was yet. He seemed to be very into me and we did have fun together so I kept at
it. And come on… his smile… To. Die. For. No. Joke. We also shared so many
ideas about business that it seemed like too good to be true sometimes. He got
me and my business. I got him and his business.
But… yeah, you could feel it
coming couldn't you?!… the “but”. He started to pull away. Not showing up to our
weekends together. Stuck talking about himself. And it was just not a good
feeling. I realized I was holding on to him not only because of his smile but
because of the pain I saw him still be in. I believed I could help him out. I
knew I could. However that is not the job of anyone. So the more I tried to “be
there” for him the more he pulled away, until it all blew up in my face. I don’t
blame anyone for the blow-up, I just see that we weren't a good match at this
time. He had more releasing to do on his end from his past then I did and he
wasn't ready to open up. He was me a year ago pretty much. So our nine month
long on-and-off relationship ended. I still love his smile but realize he has
to fight his own battles.

So from Perfect man, to Mr
Long-Distant, to The One, to Smiles, to Soulmate… and let’s be honest a few
other I didn’t even mention in between – I have learned a lot about stuff.
Love. Relationship. My likes and
dislikes. And I have learned about Me.
I have learned that I deserve
kindness, that I deserve to receive, that I can only help myself, that a
relationship is mutual respect and love, that I am allowed to speak up, that I
am allowed to feel differently, that I am allowed to ask for what I want, that
I am allowed to be treated with nice “things”, that I am allowed to be
protected, and that I don’t need to sit around waiting for a guy. That I am the
first person I need to be in a relationship with – now and forever.